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The tigers head front.jpg

Breed three: The tigers head: Kason Kingsley has earned his family- man status. He’s married, has an adopted child, and is still answering his phone when the government called. But someone else calls him this time, and a past promise leaves KK no choice but to put his family -and marriage- in danger again….

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Breed four: Genome war: Kason Kingsley is finally where the government needs him- in prison. His wife’s law degree is proven no match for faithless enemies within C.I.A. His daughter .J is a now a young college- goer who is no longer suppressed by the eyes of watchful family. Death’s grip shows no mercy as the Kingsley’s experience loss like they never have before. If KK does find his way to freedom, he will discover that his team is not the same and that  his daughter never made it to graduation day…

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Breed five: face of a killer: Kason Kingsley finally killed his way out of prison, but what he had learned while  there forced him of the grid again. He’s not alone this time; his family and his entire team has vanished too. But dead bodies begin popping up from S.T louis to the jersey shore enabling the government to pin point the location of someone that K.K does not want found. Whether  the team spread across the globe, will they all rally in time to face the enemies together? 


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Breed Three

Kason Kingsley has earned his family- man status. He’s married, has an adopted child, and is still answering his phone when the government called. But someone else calls him this time, and a past promise leaves KK no choice but to put his family -and marriage- in danger again….

Coming Soon
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Breed Four

Kason Kingsley is finally where the government needs him- in prison. His wife’s law degree is proven no match for faithless enemies within C.I.A. His daughter .J is a now a young college- goer who is no longer suppressed by the eyes of watchful family. Death’s grip shows no mercy as the Kingsley’s experience loss like they never have before. If KK does find his way to freedom, he will discover that his team is not the same and that  his daughter never made it to graduation day…

Coming Soon


Breed Five

Kason Kingsley finally killed his way out of prison, but what he had learned while  there forced him of the grid again. He’s not alone this time; his family and his entire team has vanished too. But dead bodies begin popping up from S.T louis to the jersey shore enabling the government to pin point the location of someone that K.K does not want found. Whether  the team spread across the globe, will they all rally in time to face the enemies together? 

Coming Soon
WhatsApp Image 2021-02-04 at 7.44.04 AM.


Shadow Dark

The government's Shadow Initiative was supposed to have been dismantled. If that were true, then how did foreign Muslim brothers Musa and Haroon end up being targeted by a covert strike team?
Their high school is still smoldering after suffering through a school shooting last year. Little do the brothers know, they were the focus of that attack as well.
The two are parent-less in a place where fellow students are enemies, everyday teachers are spies, and hidden dangers are lurking in places where shadows are getting darker. Making matters worse, the one true friend the brothers do have goes missing, and it's up to them to find her....

Coming Soon
WhatsApp Image 2021-02-04 at 7.56.43 AM.


Killing Grounds

Theresa is on the hunt again! Aanother black person is shot and killed by local police, while several other people of color continue to go missing through the Shore Points of New Jersey. Fresh off of having of having to end the life of her own uncle, Theresa discovers new family that find themselves being targeted by white supremacists. Warring against a faction of race-haters, the police, and possibly her own family. The huntress has no shortage of bullets as she turns the Shore Points into her own Killing Grounds......

Coming Soon
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